
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

My 2013 Clothing Diet

As you may have guessed if you read my 30 before 30 rough draft I have a goal (#5) to buy no clothing for a year. I started on my clothing diet January 1, 2013 and will be done January 1, 2014!

Towards the end of last year I knew I needed to make a change. I had limited closet space but a rapidly expanding wardrobe. I couldn't leave Target without checking out the clearance section and would always find great "deals". Add to that the fact that sometimes I went to Target more than one time a week and you can see the problem. I have tried in the past to limit myself or set a clothing budget but then I find deals I just have to have... I mean you can't pass up things that are so cheap they are practically free! So I decided it was time to go cold turkey!

To make it a little bit easier on myself and more likely that I wouldn't give up mid-way I made a few exceptions.
  • Clothing for other people (aka gifts) can be purchased
  • In the unlikely case that there is something I really need for our trip to Europe this fall I am allowed to buy it
  • Undergarments and socks are allowed
  • Accessories (including shoes) are allowed, however I can't just buy every pair of clearance shoes in my size at Target
  • I get a pass on vacation and can buy any clothing "souvenirs" my little heart desires
  • Clothing that is part of a fundraiser (aka t-shirts) are allowed
  • I am allowed to make myself any clothing I can (this helps me with goal #4 on my list)

 photo ClothesDietButton_zpse2fd2d7d.jpg

So, what do you think? Are my exceptions too generous? How long could you go without buying any clothing?


  1. You are stronger than I am! I don't think I could go a year... But maybe I'll try 6 months? I have a feeling I'll want to be spending money on the new house instead :)

    1. Hey, even 6 months is impressive! Have you started trying, how is it going?
      Also, congrats on the new house!


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