
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

(Semi) Wordless Wednesday: Fail Whale Edition

Today was full of fail!


Zia's On The Hill Food Truck came to work and despite being on Day 10 (FINAL DAY!) of our cleanse I couldn't resist! However, I was really good. I took the bread and most of the cheese off and just had the chicken breast with sun-dried tomatoes and pesto. And I got my dressing on the side and barely ate any of it and left all that cheese on the salad alone. I am proud of myself despite my weakness!

not a current picture, no we don't have snow in June

 On my way home little blue was having major issues so I decided to stop at the mechanics. Good thing I did because the car died as I pulled in!

 Matt offered to come pick me up from the mechanics since little blue had to spend the night. Since it is less than a mile from our house I decided to be healthy and walk to make up for my diet fail and this happened...

my pride was hurt worse

Screw health, I deserve a cookie!

Have you ever had a day where everything that could go wrong practically did?

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