
Thursday, June 20, 2013

So Many Babies So Little Time

For a few years it felt like everyone on Facebook was getting married (including yours truly)! Now all I see is babies, babies everywhere! Seriously, I can't go a day on FB without seeing at least one baby picture.
Two of my college friends (a couple) just had their tiny baby girl Madelyn. Sadly, they live in another state so she probably won't be so tiny when/if I ever get to meet her.
I like doing more personal things for my friend's baby gifts because onesies aren't very special when you have 4 dozen of them! For Madelyn I made two prints that match her nursery.

It obviously has her name and birth date. As long as I am pointing out the obvious her nursery is pink and green if you couldn't guess!

The second print I made with a quote I have seen around Pinterest and just love for a baby girl; "Let her sleep for when she wakes, she will move mountains." 

I did some research because I wanted to figure out who this quote is attributed to. I did finally find the person and it is not quite the person you might expect! Apparently, the original quote is actually "Let her sleep for when she wakes, she will shake the world." Which is slightly less peaceful and serene so I decided to go with the move mountains version. Any guesses yet on who said it? If you said Napoleon Bonaparte you cheated were right! I did a quick search to figure out why or when he said it but didn't find anything right away and was too lazy to keep digging.


You can download the full 16x20 sized Move Mountains print for your own tiny girl or any tiny (or not so tiny) girls in your life! The 16x20 size can also be printed out easily in an 8x10. If you do use it do me a favor to show your appreciation and like my Facebook page! Also, I would love to see how you use the print so if you do take a photo and share it on the FB page!

If you can tell me the context in which Napoleon said the quote I will customize the colors for you and even change the she to a he if you want!

Also, don't forget about the baby card I made that you can print out to go along with this print if you are giving it as a gift!

What quote do you absolutely love?


  1. These are so beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

  2. I have so many favorite quotes but one of my favorite favorite ones is.."Carry on. Things will work out. If you keep trying and praying and working, things will work out. They always do. If you want to die at an early age, dwell on the negative. Accentuate the positive, and you'll be around for awhile." -Gordon B. Hinckley

  3. I love that quote! I wish someone would put it over my bed, so people stop waking me up lol I also like a bunch of Dr. Suess like this one: "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose."
    PS. So true about babies - babies everywhere! lol :)


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