I don't know how much I will actually accomplish since I will be out late tonight at one of my favorite places in St. Louis... THE MUNY! This is opening week and they are kicking things off with Spamalot. I.CAN.NOT.WAIT! Tomorrow is fairly full but I will do my best! I might have to get my entire 24 hours of blogging in all on Sunday, which would be impossible but I will do my best!
The major thing I hope to accomplish is creating a bunch of back up content so on days like tonight where I am out enjoying life and don't have time to post I will have something ready to go! I have plenty of recipes for the 24 Day Clean Eating Challenge that I keep promising but still haven't gotten around to posting. I also have a few protein bar reviews to share. Another big goal is to catch up on responding to all the awesome comments that have been left for me on the blog over the last two weeks. There are a few housekeeping things I would like to do too so if things look strange over here over the next few days just know improvements are coming!
So I may not have a clear end in sight but I know where to begin... one step at a time!
I am participating in the Blogathon as well, and I am going out tonight too! We will see what happens... Good luck!