
Monday, June 17, 2013

30 Before 30 The List Unveiled!

Finalizing my 30 Before 30 List took forever because once I say "IT'S DONE!!!!" I am commited to it and 30 is coming so quickly there is a chance I won't complete them all... I am going to try to think positive though!

I Meg, WILL do all 30 of these things before September 22 2014!

So without further adieu here is my 30 Before 30 List!

What do you think? Did I hit all the big ones? What goals do you have for yourself over the next couple weeks, months, days or years?

One of your goals should be to follow me... it is SOOOOOOOO easy! Just pick one or all of the ways below!


  1. What a great list. Good luck reaching all of your goals. :) xo

  2. Love your list and wish you the best of luck to accomplishing it =)

  3. Great list! Mastering macarons is an awesome goal. A road trip with no planning sounds scary but could be a ton of fun. Visiting from Bloggin' Social

  4. What a great list - good luck in getting through them! :)

  5. Fab list - I should really get one started myself, but my first one is to admit I'm nearer to 30 than I want to admit! x

  6. Awesome, you nailed a few things on your list that I would consider. Go for it you only live once :0)

  7. I like your list! Is the Vatican already planned? It has always been a wish for me.

  8. That sounds like a great list! Very ambitious!


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